Expanding Sustainable Energy: Congo’s $9.4B Bet on Hydropower
As the largest renewable energy venture in the Congo’s history, the Sounda Dam will not only bolster energy security, but also catalyze further investment in the country’s sustainable energy sector, while fostering associated infrastructure development. In addition to its hydroelectric potential, Congo is home to significant solar and biomass resources, which it aims to develop to achieve a 50% electricity access rate in urban and rural areas alike by 2030.
Unlocking Hydropower Potential
Hydropower accounts for 22.5% of Congo's total installed renewable electricity capacity, yet the country has a total estimated hydropower potential of 22,000 MW, of which only 3% is currently harnessed. To date, three dams are operational: the 120 MW Imboulou, 74 MW Moukoukoulou and 19 MW Liouesso. In addition to the Sounda hydropower project, Congo awarded China Gezhouba Group International Engineering the contract for the 600 MW Chollet hydroelectric project on the Dja River in 2021, with environmental and financial studies underway. Hydropower projects including the 150 MW Murala, 150 MW Kouembali and 50 MW Loufoulakari plants are also in development.
Meanwhile, the Congo is strengthening regional collaboration in the power sector with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Since 1953, Congo has been connected to the DRC's grid, and in December 2022, the two countries signed a bilateral agreement to link the Congo's power stations with the DRC's Great Inga hydropower project, which is currently under construction and features a planned capacity of 42 GW. These large-scale projects and enhanced power sector integration are driven by both domestic energy demand and a mutual need for industrialization.
Developing Solar Energy
Beyond its hydropower potential, the Congo benefits from an average solar radiation level of 4.5 kWh per m² per day, and plans to prioritize solar energy in the future. In June 2024, UAE renewable energy company AMEA Power signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Congolese government to develop a 100 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) project, representing the first large-scale solar PV project in the country and paving the way for future developments. That said, most solar projects are currently community-based or humanitarian efforts led by local and international NGOs and aimed at electrifying rural areas and supporting the existing electricity grid. For example, Congolese energy company Africa Solaire has completed several hundred projects across the country, including a 20 KW mini solar power plant in Odzala Kokoua National Park. Additionally, the 3.4 MW solar plant in Impfondo, built by Procob, a subsidiary of Belgian company ABC Contracting, complements the town's diesel generators. Inaugurated in 2023, the 11-hectare facility includes 11,520 solar panels that supply 6,480 kVA to combat power outages.
Nevertheless, new initiatives have been launched to further accelerate the development of solar energy and other renewable sources. In 2023, the Congo inaugurated its first renewable energy research center in Oyo, focusing on applied research to develop potential around hydropower, biomass, wind and solar energy. A result of cooperation between Congolese government, Italian energy major Eni and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the Oyo center exemplifies the Congo's commitment to diversifying its energy mix and creating an integrated energy value chain that leverages both renewable and oil and gas sectors.
The inaugural Congo Economic and Investment Forum, set for March 26-27, 2025 in Brazzaville, will bring together international investors and local stakeholders to explore national and regional energy and infrastructure opportunities. The event will explore the latest renewable energy projects and provide updates on ongoing expansions across the country.